Tier 2: Systematically Responsive EAL Provision
This is the final post in this series about EAL provision in schools. In the first post we looked at why we need to approach EAL more...
Tier 3: Intensive EAL Provision
Whether or not to 'withdraw' students from classes in order to support the acquisition of English is an on-going debate in schools, with...
Curriculum Design or Curriculum Overload? The real problem with Tier 1 provision
I'm taking a side-step from the Multi-tiered System of Learning for EAL to discuss the issue that is raised in almost every school I have...
The Bedrock of EAL Teaching: Tier 1
In my previous two posts I explored the challenges to strong EAL provision in schools (The Dark Arts of Language Teaching) and shared a...
Multi-tiered System of Learning for EAL: A strategic approach
Over the years that I've been working with schools (many!) I've struggled to define clearly what excellent EAL provision should look like...
The Dark Arts of Language Teaching
At the ECIS MLIE (Multilingual Learning in Education) conference two weeks ago I gave a keynote on languages in international schools....
Why learn languages? Changing the lens on languages in schools
I don't normally have guest posts on my blogs, but Tim and I recently had a great conversation about why, in an age of AI, we need to...
Partnerships: EAL and multilingualism
This post is the fourth in a series of four about EAL schools. The first is on complexity in EAL, the second is on advocacy for...
What actually happens in 'EAL' classes?
This is the third in a series of four blog posts about EAL. The first is 'Why is EAL so complex?' and the second is 'Advocacy: Whose job...
Advocacy: Whose job is it?
This is my second in a series of four posts about the complexity of EAL. If you missed the first post, you can find it here. In this post...